вторник, 10 марта 2015 г.

Free Diets – Get a Fat Loss Diet That TASTES Good!

Free Diets – Get a Fat Loss Diet That TASTES Good!

If you are looking for free diets that don’t suck… You’ll be happy you found this in depth info. If you don’t have the money to buy diet plans from high-priced fitness gurus online, don’t sweat it.

Like I’ve done for thousands of other successful dieters, I will give you extremely effective free diets, the cool thing is that you can use this exactly as is or tweak to your own liking.

If you follow this free diet plan you WILL see good and steady results, especially if you follow my many proven workouts for women.

This diet plan is focused on you eating the healthy but tasty foods and in the correct amounts per meal for fat loss, this is not a fad diet it is sensible and good for long term weight loss.

The ABsoluteLEE Lean Diet®, is broken up into two stages:

STAGE 1 GOAL – 2 Weeks Adjustment Period

During the 14 days of stage 1, you’ll learn the best way to fill your hunger and consequently you’ll feel fuller longer, which is important when dieting. Most free diets are trash, t

You Will Enjoy This Diet While Getting Lean & Healthy.
You Will Enjoy This Diet While Getting Lean & Healthy.

his one will save you. To control your blood sugar and help control your cravings, avoid fruit and whole grains and alcohol because of their sugar content.

You can have 2-3 portions of low fat dairy daily. This would contain 1 cup of low fat milk, low fat cheese or light yogurt.

By avoiding starchy foods with sugar, you are helping your body decrease food cravings and to control your blood sugar. Try cruciferous vegetables like broccoli or cabbage or leafy greens like spinach and lettuce. I also enjoy squash, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes, give them a try.

You may have 6-8 oz of lean meats, poultry and/or fish a day to make your protein packed meals. Also plan for 4 to 5 servings of beans or lentils weekly.

Choose protein-rich foods that have healthful fats, like oily fish like mackerel or salmon, or fresh nuts and seeds. Avocados are loaded with antioxidants, vitamin E, lutein and beta carotene in addition to monounsaturated fats. Throw them in a salad alongside

You Will Enjoy This Diet While Getting Lean & Healthy.
You Will Enjoy This Diet While Getting Lean & Healthy.

vegetable oils, particularly olive oils which you’ll be able to use as salad dressing instead of forbidden salad dressings.

After the first 14 days, you may continue to eat the foods from Stage 1 but reintroduce some other healthful foods that can assist you in dropping the pounds.

STAGE 2 GOAL – Free Diets: Take It To The Next Level!

How long should you stay in Stage 2? It is a lifestyle change, so it should continue forever so you can keep your blood pressure at healthy levels and keep weight off.

Sugar: You can have 3 to 4 portions of sugary foods each week.

Fruit: Make fruit (frozen or fresh) a part of your diet daily. Plan for 4 to 5 portions a day.

Low-Fat Milk or Yogurt: Stick to 2 to 3 servings a day as in Stage 1.

Whole Grains: Select from breads, cereals and pasta. Plan for 6 to 8 portions a day.

Alcohol: You can have a little glass of red wine sometimes, which counts as one fruit portion.

Stage 1 has 3 sample days of eating, and Stage 2 has 4 sample days of eating.

The ABsoluteLEE Lean Diet® is one of the most effective free diets you will ever find.
The ABsoluteLEE Lean Diet® free diets are the most effective free diets you will ever find.

Stage 1: Two Weeks Adjustment Period Sample Eating Plan

Free Diets – Stage 1 – Day 1


  • 2 Hard-boiled eggs. (Hint: Cook a bunch of them, and peel. Put them in a ziplock bag and store them in the fridge. That way you will be able to grab breakfast in no time and stick to your diet easier.)
  • 6 oz low sodium V8 juice

Brunch Snack

  • 1 stick of light cheese
  • Handful of baby carrots

Lunch Time

  • Cucumber & Tomatoes sprinkled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • Orange sugar-free Jell‑O cup

Afternoon Snack

  • 4 oz light strawberry yogurt
  • 18 almonds (A small handful or 1/4 cup when measuring)

Pre-Dinner Snack (Optional)

  • Sauteed pepper strips. (Tip: To get these done quickly just cut the tops and bottoms off of some yellow, red or orange bell peppers. Cut them in half and ditch the seeds. Make the halves flat and cut along the surface with a sharp knife to remove the membranes of the pepper. After that, cut it into 1‑inch strips. Try dipping them in guacamole instead of chips).
  • 2 oz of guacamole, more or less 1/4 cup


  • 1-2 cups steamed(or microwaved) veggies, broccoli, carrots and cauliflower blend
  • Romaine salad blend with olive oil and balsamic vinegar or light Italian dressing
  • Lemon-lime sugar-free Jell‑O cup

Day 2


  • Mini-Egg Beaters Southwestern Style omelet. Use fat-free PAM cooking spray on a microwavable dish. Add a quarter-to-half cup Egg Beaters Southwestern Style. Microwave for 60 seconds on high. Stir them a bit, then cook them another 15 seconds.
  • 4-6 oz of carrot juice(Learn how to make carrot juice here.)

Brunch Snack

  • 1/2 cup of low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1/2 cup pineapple slices (fresh tastes better but canned is more convenient, it’s your choice.)

Lunch Time

  • 1-3 Swiss Cheese Turkey roll-ups. Deli-style sliced turkey for the meat and for the wrap use cheese on the outside, yuuuummmm. Mustard is a great condiment to use because it’s non-fat, sometimes I mix mustard and a bit of low-fat mayo. You can also wrap lettuce around the entire roll if you want some crunch to you lunch.
  • 1/2-1 cup coleslaw
  • Raw green bean sprinkled with lemon pepper and sea salt. (eat as much as you want)
  • Strawberry sugar free Jello cup

Afternoon Snack

  • 1 low-fat cheese stick snack
  • Handful of baby carrots

Pre-Dinner Snack (Optional)


  • Roasted chicken
  • Savory sautéed onions & carrots. Slice one medium-sized onion thinly sliced and sauté it in 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil. Add 7-9 oz of carrots sliced and keep the sauté going up until the carrots soften. You can dab a small bit of butter on it or a teaspoon of Butterbuds. (Tips: Microwave the carrots first before sautéing if you want them really soft. Top your roasted chicken with the veggies for extra flavor.)
  • Side salad dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • Orange sugar free Jello cup

Day 3


  • 3 egg whites & 1 whole egg scrambled
  • 1 slice of Canadian bacon
  • 4-6 oz coffee or light iced tea

Brunch Snack

  • 4 oz of light nonfat blueberry yogurt
  • 1 oz of almonds (1/4 cup)

Lunch Time

  • Two servings of Bacon Cheeseburger Meatloaf (Make it at home beforehand and bring it to work to put it the microwave.)
  • 1/2 cup of coleslaw
  • 1/2 – 1 cup baby carrots
  • Lemon-lime sugar free Jello cup

Afternoon Snack

  • 2 low fat cheese sticks
  • handful of grape tomatoes

Pre-Dinner Snack (Optional)


  • 2 cups of sauteed broccoli
  • Small salad with light Italian salad dressing
  • 1-2 cups lemon sugar free Jello

Stage 2: Take It To The Next Level!

Free Diets – Stage 2 – Day 1


Brunch Snack (Optional)

  • 1-2 light cheese wedges
  • 2 slices of avocado with salt and pepper. (If you wanna get fancy, sprinkle some lime on it.)

Lunch Time

  • 2-3 deli chicken and swiss cheese roll-ups
  • 2 cups of diced cucumber and tomatoes sprinkled with balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper
  • 1 Orange

Afternoon Snack

  • 6 oz light strawberry yogurt
  • handful of almonds

Pre-Dinner Snack (Optional)

  • 5 oz of cashews and 2 glasses of ice water


  • 4 oz steamed asparagus
  • 4-6 oz frozen grapes and kiwi

Day 2


Brunch Snack (Optional)

  • 1 serving of light raspberry yogurt
  • 8-10 oz cashews

Lunch Time

  • Sliced chicken breast and swiss cheese sandwich. Put a slice of low-fat swiss cheese and 2-4 oz of sliced chicken breast on light whole wheat bread slices; add tomato, lettuce and your condiments of choice
  • Side salad or coleslaw
  • 4 oz of avocado slices sprinkled with salt and pepper
  • 1 cup of orange jello

Afternoon Snack

  • 1 banana
  • 1-2 low fat cheese wedges

Pre-Dinner Snack (Optional)

  • 3/4 cup low fat cottage cheese
  • 3/4 cup pineapple cubes or slices


  • Sauteed broccoli with garlic
  • 1 cup of low fat chocolate pudding

Day 3


Brunch Snack (Optional)

  • 1 low fat cheese wedge
  • 1 cup of grape tomatoes or baby carrots

Lunch Time

  • Acapulco chopped tuna salad in 1/2 whole wheat pita pocket. (Tip: Choose your favorite vegetables to mix into this pita, as much as you’d like).
  • 4-6 oz of avocado slices
  • 1 cup of lemon jello

Afternoon Snack

  • 2 tangerines
  • 4 oz peanuts

Pre-Dinner Snack (Optional)

  • Handful of cashews


Day 4

Free Diets Breakfast

  • 5 scrambled egg whites
  • 1 slice whole-wheat toast
  • 1 tablespoon grape jam or jelly
  • 4-6 oz orange or apple juice
  • Latte made with 8 oz 1% milk

Free Diets Brunch Snack (Optional)

  • 4-6 oz blueberries
  • 12 cashews

Lunch Time

  • 2-3 Muenster cheese and roast beef roll-ups. (Tip: Get crazy with your veggies, mix in whatever you love to your specific taste.)
  • Italian coleslaw (This is a really tasty coleslaw with grated carrots, and vinegar and oil dressing. As you can see free diets don’t have to suck!)
  • 1 medium-sized grapefruit

Afternoon Snack

  • 6 oz strawberry low fat yogurt

Pre-Dinner Snack (Optional)

  • Apple slices dipped in 1-2 tablespoons peanut butter

Free Diets Dinner

  • Side salad: Lettuce, red cabbage, grape tomatoes, small slice of goat cheese or crumbled blue cheese, with vinaigrette dressing or vinegar and oil.
  • Low-fat ice cream bar or 1 serving of low fat vanilla pudding.

The ABsoluteLEE Lean Diet® is one of the most effective free diets you will ever find. You will also get workouts to add to your free diets & meal plans. Please remember that diets are always more effective when you add some form of workout to your weekly routine. LeanWife.com is LOADED with different workout plans for women of all ages to match the various free diets. You will find different types of cardio drills, info on jumping rope for weight loss, jumping jack cardio and more.

In addition to free diets that work, we have you covered with everything else you need too. If you want to get started in your weight loss adventure today, get the Ultimate fat loss workout for women right here.

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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