пятница, 5 декабря 2014 г.

Fat Burning Foods

Fat Burning Foods

Article By: Dr. Janet Starr Hull, Ph.D., CN

Fat burning foods contain what are called

reverse calories. When mixed with fattening

foods, fat burning foods make fatty foods

less calorific by destroying their fat before

it is stored in the body. Eating greater

amounts of fat burning foods can make you

thin without starving yourself.

For example, real fruit is preferable to

fruit juice. A fresh orange is fat burning

because it requires digestive energy (calories)

to digest the pulp and fiber. Fresh orange

juice is not fattening but it is not ‘fat

burning’ because no great energy expense is

needed to digest it. Many soups, while

low-calorie, are not fat burning because

little effort is needed to digest them.

Fatty meats are not considered fat burning

foods because the body is left with excess

calories after digestion. Lean meats, however,

can be considered fat burning foods. Leaner

meats help the body burn its own fat and do

not contribute left-over calories to any

significant degree. In addition to their

bodybuilding functions, lean meats stimulate

the production of glucagon, a fat-dissolving

hormone. Glucagon causes a release of fat from

inner fat stores so that the fat can be burned.

This happens in the presence of fat burning


Here is a list of fat-burning foods:


* apples

* kumquats

* apricots

* lemons

* raspberries/blackberries/loganberries

* blueberries

* strawberries

* limes

* tangerines

* cantaloupe

* mangoes

* watermelon

* cherries

* muskmelons

* cranberries

* nectarines

* currants

* oranges

* damson plum

* papaya

* fruit salad (fresh or canned)

* peaches

* grapefruit

* pears

* grapes

* pineapple

* honeydew

* pomegranates

* prunes


* artichokes

* corn on the cob

* parsnips

* asparagus (boiled)

* green beans

* cucumbers

* peas

* string beans

* dandelion

* peppers (green, red)

* greens/mustard greens

* beets/beet greens

* dill pickles/pickles

* eggplant

* broccoli

* endive

* Brussel sprouts

* garlic

* pumpkin

* cabbage

* kale

* radishes

* Chinese kohlrabi

* red cabbage/cabbage

* carrots

* leeks

* rhubarb

* cauliflower

* lettuce

* rutabagas

* celeriac

* mushrooms

* sauerkraut

* celery

* okra

* scallions

* chicory

* onions

* sorrel

* chives

* parsley

* spinach leaves

* squash

* turnips

* tomato (fresh, canned)

* watercress


* sea bass

* crabs

* oysters (cocktail, raw, 1/2 shell)

* buffalo flounder

* clams

* frog legs

* shrimp (cooked)

* lobster

* terrapin

* cod steaks

* mussels

Fat burning foods best eaten raw

* apples

* cucumbers

* pears

* apricots

* dandelion

* peppers (red or green)

* berries

* endive

* pineapple

* cabbage

* white grapes

* plums

* carrots

* leeks

* prunes

* celery

* lettuce

* radishes

* melons

* sauerkraut

* cherries

* onions

* tomatoes

* chives

* parsley

* watercress

* citrus fruits

* peaches

Fat burning foods best eaten cooked

* asparagus

* chicory

* salsify

* beans (string or wax)

* collards

* sorrel

* beet greens

* eggplant

* spinach

* broccoli

* kale

* squash

* turnips

* carrot tops

* mushrooms

* cauliflower

* oyster plant

* celeriac

* parsnips

* chard

* pumpkin

* chervil

* rhubarb

Original article and pictures take shareitfitness.files.wordpress.com site

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